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Also outsource the fine handling? 

As a public transport company, it is important to help travelers pay for their UVBs easily and socially. This does not includenot only offering online payment options, but also dealing with administrators, debt counselors and making payment arrangements. OV-UVB takes care of all this work for you.


With our payment services you can relieve your public transport company, but the payments still arrive directly to the bank account of the public transport company. This way you can create payment convenience for your travelers and guarantee the follow-up of UVB's management in a socially responsible manner. This way you prevent travelers from having to deal with rising costs due to transfer to CJIB, collection agencies and bailiffs.


OV-UVB takes care of all this work for you.

Vrouw checked in in de bus
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Would you like your customers to also use OV-UVB.NL?

Public transport companies that also want to help travelers make it easier to pay for UVBs and want to deal with payment behavior in a socially responsible manner. Want to keep travelers if they are struggling financially? Without it causing extra work and payments simply arriving at the public transport company's own account?

Create payment convenience and monitor your UVBs in a socially responsible manner. Prevent transfer to a collection agency and prevent travelers from having to deal with rising costs.

Click here for more information
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